
My name is Drew F. Williams. The “F” is a tribute to my dad, whose name was Frederick. You probably would have liked him.

The story on this website, God’s Glue™ Satisfaction Guaranteed, is the product of my noisy imagination which, at a young age, was invaded by Douglas Adams, Kurt Vonnegut, Tom Robbins (not to be confused with Tony), and Spock (not to be confused with Doctor). In different ways, they all zapped underused parts of my brain. The DC Comics version of Batman and all of Tolkien figured largely too, but I don’t see any Batman or Hobbits in this story. If you feel differently, let me know.

This is my second book. My first book nobody read even though it was published by a big publisher and promoted by a big PR firm. Maybe that’s because it was a “learning” book. Maybe it’s because it was boring. I received my first and only royalty check for the royal sum of $4. As I contemplated what I might buy with my $4, I decided that big publishers and big PR firms might not always be the shortest distance between two points – as in, point A is me, and point B is you.

So, however you found it, here’s my second book, which is yours to enjoy freely. I’ll be adding one chapter a week until the story is told. You are welcome to leave your thoughts and comments as we go.

I hope you are able to escape within it!